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How much does it cost?$39 for 30min *suggested for students aged 4-10 $58.50 for 45min *suggested for students aged 10-14 $78 for 60min *suggested for students 14 and up
What instrument(s) can my child learn?Piano, Flute, and Recorder
What kind of piano do I need?For piano lessons, a keyboard with 88 weighted keys is ideal. Music stores like Long and McQuade offer rentals if you'd like to try it out first!
What kind of flute do I need?For young beginners (4-7), we begin learning on a Nuvo TooT. These retail for under $50. We have a few available for rental. A step up from the TooT is the Nuvo jFlute. These retail for around $250, and can later be upgraded with a full length headjoint. If you're interested in purchasing a metal flute, anything with a curved head joint for students under 10 years of age is perfect. For older students (approaching 5' tall), a full sized flute it is!
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